Breadcrumb Back to Home Back to Human leadership Human leadership Create a culture of learning, development and wellbeing These programs and resources support the leadership and the development of people, culture, staff and yourself. Title Content type News and insightsProgramResource Audience - Any -Assistant principalBusiness managerEducational support staffPrincipalSystem leaderTeacherTeacher leaderTeam Topic - Any -Career developmentCoaching and mentoringHuman leadershipLeadership capabilitiesLiteracy and numeracySchool managementTeaching and learning Location - Any -OnlineBairnsdaleBallaratBendigoEast MelbourneGeelongMelbourne CBDMilduraMoeNorth MelbourneRegionalSheppartonSydney Recommended for you Professional Learning Resources News & insights Fully Subsidised Upcoming Inspiring School Pride and Confidence Build pride and confidence in your school, marketing a strong brand and image to engage and connect your students and community. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Elevate: Navigating complex change and transforming schools Develop strategies to implement sustained change and lead highly complex schools undergoing turnaround or transformation. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Coach Accreditation Become an internationally accredited coach. Fully subsidised Apply now Area Principal Forums - Department of Education Important information about the Area Principal Forums, including delivery dates and locations. Fully Subsidised On demand Teaching Excellence Program Alumni Network The TEP Alumni Network is a values driven community of highly skilled teachers committed to staying connected and being lifelong learners. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Collaborative Complex Problem Solving Gain the skills to solve complex problems of leading, teaching and learning. Fully subsidised (except Data Wise) Apply now Harvard leadership programs suite Go further than you thought possible. Whatever your role or career stage, our leadership programs will prepare you for the challenges ahead. Fully Subsidised On demand Artificial Intelligence in Education Explore the opportunities for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom and understand its implications. Develop your understanding of how it can be used safely in schools to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences. Registrations are open to Government and Catholic school employees. Fully Subsidised On demand Teaching Impact Fellowship Raising the capability, confidence and status of teachers. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Preventing and Managing Conflict This program provides school leaders with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to be competent and confident in preventing, working with, and resolving conflicts in the education community. Fully Subsidised On demand Women in Leadership: Build your capability and influence Harness your strengths with expert guidance, skills and inspiration to reach your full potential as an impactful leader. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Leading Quality Conversations Leading Quality Conversations is designed to develop the high-level communication skillset required by educational leaders that will enhance their interpersonal effectiveness, collaboration and problem solving capabilities, while building trust with peers. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Health, Safety and Wellbeing Build a school community where everyone contributes to health, safety, and wellbeing. Understand and implement the fundamentals of effective occupational health and safety management. Fully Subsidised On demand Harvard Principals’ Centre in Australia You will explore a comprehensive range of knowledge, leadership strategies, and tools at The Principals' Centre in Australia, specifically designed to empower Australian school leaders. Fully Subsidised On demand Dare to Lead Develop daring leaders and embed courage in your school’s culture. Fully Subsidised On demand Clarity Learning Suite Clarity Learning Suite aims to develop your ability to increase student achievement and growth in an ongoing, sustainable way. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Harvard Certificate in School Management and Leadership Develop your school leadership skills and gain a formal qualification from Harvard Graduate School of Education. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Leading School Improvement Leading School Improvement will develop your understanding of how to lead strategic change to enhance student outcomes within your own unique context. Fully Subsidised On demand Lead, Empower and Thrive with Emotional Intelligence This course will teach you how to better connect, communicate and influence to improve wellbeing, remain centred under pressure and project greater leadership confidence. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Inspire: Facilitator Training The Inspire: Facilitator Training program is an opportunity to support emerging leaders in your local area by delivering Inspire. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Inspire Build your leadership capabilities to make a difference in your school and to succeed as a leader. $800.00 Co-contribution Upcoming Impact: Emerging Leaders Develop your capabilities as a transformative emerging teacher leader and build practical strategies to improve your effectiveness as a leader. Fully Subsidised Upcoming Evolve: New Principals Provides assistance to first-time principals with the transition into their new role, and builds their capacity to be an effective leader. Show more