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06 May

Impact: Emerging Leaders

Develop your capabilities as a transformative emerging teacher leader and build practical strategies to improve your effectiveness as a leader.
A group of participants seated at a table in discussion during a workshop
Next intake
06 May
6 months
Melbourne CBD
+ 2 more
+ 1 more
$800.00 Co-contribution
Impact: Emerging Leaders
On This page

    Develop your capabilities as a transformative emerging leader and build your capacity to positively impact teaching and learning outcomes across your school.

    Great school leaders have a significant positive effect on the teaching and learning environment.

    This program develops, challenges and supports you to build strategies to improve your effectiveness as a school leader now and in the future.

    Impact: Emerging Leaders assists you to develop higher levels of proficiency in data-driven decision-making, emotional intelligence, collegial engagement, excellence and equity in student learning, student voice and collaborative change.

    You are supported to use these skills to create and implement a project in your school that will make a visible difference to the effectiveness of student learning and to your professional growth.



    Designed for Victorian government teachers who have recently commenced or are about to commence a formal or informal leadership role.

    Please note this program is not suitable for the following roles:

    • learning specialists with more than 6 months’ experience in the role 
    • teachers who have completed learning specialist professional learning through the department 
    • leading teachers with more than 6 months' experience in the role.

    If you are in one of these roles, please apply for Create: Middle Leaders program.

    School sectors 

    This program is available to the following school sectors:

    • Victorian government
    • Catholic
    • independent.

    Some content may contain information aligned with Department of Education priorities or initiatives.


    Facilitated by experts in educational leadership from the University of New England (UNE).

    Structure of program

    Over 6 months, you are expected to engage in and contribute to: 

    • online workshops (2 hours of orientation and four 3.5-hour workshops) 
    • face-to-face workshops (1 full day and a 5-hour expo) 
    • pre and post-workshop activities, and self-directed learning (approx. 18 hours) 
    • online cluster group meetings (four 1-hour sessions) 
    • a priority improvement project (approx. 3 hours). 


    In this blended program, both face-to-face and online workshops provide interactive, collaborative learning activities that will enable your leadership development to impact school improvement. You will learn from, and with, your emerging leader peers to actively explore and apply evidence-informed approaches to understanding data to inform decision-making, leading others with insight and influence, and increasing excellence and equity in student learning. 

    Self-directed learning 

    Self-directed learning activities in your own time include: 

    • engaging with readings and online material to build your leadership capacity 
    • meeting with your in-school colleague for structured and supported meetings regarding your interest area within your school’s improvement priorities.
    • developing your priority improvement project 
    • reviewing the learning from synchronous workshops. 

    Cluster group meetings

    You will participate in a smaller group meeting 4 times throughout the program. These groups will be formed according to a shared area of interest within school improvement. Discussions and activties will support your continued development of your priority improvement project. 

    Priority improvement project 

    The Priority Improvement Project (PIP) is the method you will use to reflect on and track your learning journey. It will assist you demonstrate the impact your learning has on the development of leadership capability and a specific aspect of a school improvement priority.

    Attendance requirements

    To successfully complete this program, you are required to attend at least 80% of the workshops and submit a presentation.

    Learning outcomes

    You’ll gain knowledge and understanding of how to:

    • track your leadership development
    • measure your progress
    • develop an improvement action plan aligned to your school’s improvement priorities.

    You’ll develop the skills to:

    • make decisions informed by research and data
    • integrate emotional intelligence into planning and action
    • influence colleagues to engage with improvements in practice
    • maintain a clear focus on the effectiveness of student learning by supporting excellence and equity
    • activate student voice in decision making about learning and wellbeing
    • build collective efficacy as you lead change.

    Fees and financial support

      Government school Non-government school
    Fee per participant $800 (excl. GST) $1,500 (excl. GST)

    Program fees are significantly subsidised by the Department of Education for Victorian government schools.

    See Fees and financial support for more information.

    Application process

    To participate in Impact, you must have the full support and approval of your principal and commit to the significant time and effort required.

    Find out more about the application process.

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