At the Academy, we are passionate about meaningful and exciting work that has an impact on education and student outcomes. Our shared purpose is to create and offer evidence-informed professional learning programs, events and initiatives designed to take Victoria’s highly skilled teachers and school leaders from great to exceptional and advance the quality and status of teaching and school leadership.
We care about the quality of our work, demonstrate collective responsibility for continuous improvement and support each other to do the very best we can every day to achieve our goals.
The Academy is a learning organisation that provides opportunities for employees to grow. We have a positive culture that we are building together, where people feel supported, valued and heard.
Join our team to empower and equip teachers and school leaders to have a lasting and positive impact on the Victorian education system.
Open to Victorian Public Service applicants
You must be a current Victorian Public Service (VPS) employee or have departed the VPS within the last 12 months to apply for these positions via the Jobs and Skills Exchange.
Roles currently open to VPS applicants:
- Digital Learning Designer - applications close 28 January
Open to external applicants
These roles are for external, non-VPS applicants, as well as VPS employees or those who have departed the VPS within the last 12 months.
There are currently no roles available for external applicants.
As they become available, external positions will be listed here with applications submitted via the Victorian Government Careers website.
More information
Contact us to register your details for future opportunities.
Subscribe to our fortnightly e-newsletter to stay informed about our work and be notified as positions are advertised.