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06 May 2015

Leadership in the Digital Age

Digital technologies can make positive changes in professional practice and school culture, and transform schools in the digital age.
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    School leaders need to be catalysts for change. To do this, they must also become digital leaders, writes educator and author, Eric Sheninger.

    Sheninger’s 7 pillars of digital leadership describe how school leaders can harness the power of digital technologies to make positive changes in professional practice and school culture, and to transform schools in the digital age.

    Social media and mobile devices should not be feared but instead seen as tools for engagement, creativity, global connectedness and critical thinking. Essential skills to communicate with your community and prepare students for the modern world.

    Discover how the 7 pillars framework can inspire you to work with staff to help them grow, build connections, and bring new relevance to the classroom.

    This article was prepared for Horizon: Thought Leadership, a publication of the Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership, Department of Education and Training, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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