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15 Sep 2022

Aasha Murthy on an iConnected World

Changes over the past decade have allowed our world to be more ‘iConnected’ than ever before.
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    In this ‘iConnected’ world of networks, relationships, and democratised capacity, building adaptiveness, resilience, and generativity, requires you and your organisations to be creative.

    In this recording, Aasha Murthy defines the key dimensions of the ‘iConnected’ world and how you can identify the emerging patterns in your sector by analysing its driving forces and critical uncertainties.

    About Aasha Murthy

    Aasha Murthy is Director at the Being Leaders Academy and has worked with in many countries including Australia, New Zealand, USA England, as well as in parts of the Middle East and Europe.

    Aasha is the co-author of the bestselling book ‘Be!ng – Five Ways of Leading Authentically in an iConnected World’. Her work in the education sector has led to her inclusion in the prestigious Educator’s 2020 Hot List that recognises professionals who represent educational excellence in Australia. 

    Length: 1:20:27

    Transcript file
    182.7 KB
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