Applications for Create: Middle Leaders
The following information outlines everything you need to know about the application process for Create: Middle Leaders.
To be eligible for the Create program you must:
- show willingness to progress within the middle leadership space and continue developing your leadership skills
- be an employee of the Department of Education
- have a minimum of 5 years’ teaching experience and 2 years in a formal leadership role
- have the support of your school principal to apply for and participate in the program.
Preparing your application
As part of your application, you will need to:
- respond to the key selection criteria
- provide your curriculum vitae
- have principal or delegate endorsement.
Key selection criteria
Please provide up to a 200-word response for each KSC.
KSC 1: Developing others and leading teams
Describe your current leadership role and provide an example of how you have successfully brought others along with you within your context to improve student learning or wellbeing outcomes.
KSC 2: Developing self
Explain how participation in this program will support you to further build your leadership capabilities.
Curriculum vitae
Attach a one-page curriculum vitae outlining your:
- professional career, including responsibilities
- achievements (within and outside of education)
- recent relevant professional learning.
Upon registration, your principal will be sent a link where they can endorse your application.
Successfully addressing the KSC
A strong response to each criterion will:
- use concrete example(s) that relate to the focus of the question
- illustrate your achievements (past) and your potential (future)
- discuss the what (actions), the how (processes) and the why (rationale)
- draw on appropriate evidence in relation to impacts/outcomes.
To create clear and concise answers we suggest you apply the situation, action and outcome (SAO) approach:
- situation: what was the initial context and observations of the situation
- action: what you did and how you did it
- outcome: what was the result of your actions.
The most successful applications provide deep and detailed responses; focus on an example that illustrates your capabilities in an area and use that to convey the approach you use to all your work.
We encourage you to seek feedback and advice about your draft responses from your principal and/or other colleagues before submitting your final application.
Responses to the KSC are limited to 200 words per criteria.