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06 Feb 2024

Meet Carol Roberts, Manager, Bairnsdale Regional Centre

Carol Roberts, Manager, Bairnsdale Regional Centre

Carol Roberts, Manager, Bairnsdale Regional Centre

Before joining the Academy, Carol Roberts was the Principal of Paynesville Primary School for 5 years. She has taught in government and Catholic schools in New Zealand, South Korea and Australia, and was the inaugural Education Officer at the National Aquarium of New Zealand. At Academy Bairnsdale, Carol is excited to deliver high-quality professional learning to educators and educational leaders of Outer Gippsland.

The best part of my job is…

I feel it is such a privilege for Bairnsdale to have a dedicated place for teacher and school leader professional learning. The best part of my job is when the centre is filled with teachers and school leaders attending a professional learning session that will improve outcomes for students in Outer Gippsland.

What education means to me…

Education is everything! Education opens doors and gives the opportunity to achieve your best life and outcomes.

One of my fondest memories from working in a school is…

Schools are very special places with lots of wonderful things happening in them every day. Children sharing their news has always been a highlight for me. I loved teaching science. I always strove to make a lesson as hands on, engaging and educational as possible. I loved going on camps, such a unique and special opportunity to form relationships with students and enjoy an adventure together.  

The best place to get coffee near the Academy Bairnsdale centre is…

Not being a coffee drinker myself, I need to go by the opinions of others: Mr D’s, New Leaf and Stables are close and I hear good things about their coffee.

My favourite subject at school was…

It’s hard to pick just one subject because I really liked so many of them. For me, it comes down to memorable teachers who were experts at their craft and formed great relationships with their students. My English, woodwork, horticulture and biology teachers come to mind.  

A teacher who inspired me…

Throughout my career, I have always been inspired by educators who consistently have students at the centre of their thinking. I would also like to highlight my mentor teacher who supported me so well at the beginning of my career. A graduate teacher has so much to learn. My mentor teacher always had time for me, thought strategically about what I needed next and set me up for success, not only for tomorrow but for the years ahead.

The programs I am most excited to offer local educators are…

I am most excited by the opportunity to offer professional learning locally that meets the specific needs of educators in the Outer Gippsland area. It is an honour to arrange ‘big name’ education presenters to deliver professional learning at Academy Bairnsdale. A couple of highlights for 2023 and 2024 include Misty Adoniou, who presents Teaching of Writing Masterclass and Catherine Attard, who will present Improving Engagement in Mathematics.

Advice I would give to teachers about professional learning…

Do it! You and your students have everything to gain. I have been teaching for a while and this year I became a Master Trainer for Literacy Local Leaders. I learned so much and if I returned to the classroom tomorrow, I would use this new knowledge and approaches to improve literacy learning for all students in my classroom.


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