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Our board

Learn about the Academy's board.

Academy board 

The Academy is governed by a board that includes members from the government, Catholic and Independent school sectors. 

The Academy’s strategic direction is set by the board and is outlined in our strategy.

The board balances governance expertise, school education and community interests to support the Academy to meet the diverse professional learning needs of Victorian educators.

The board has both advisory and decision-making responsibilities and is directly accountable to the Minister for Education for the performance of the Academy’s functions.

The Academy's chief executive officer is responsible to the board for all policy and operational matters, and to the Secretary of the Department of Education for budgetary, personnel and other administrative matters.

Read the board's Statement of Commitment to First Nations Peoples Self-Determination.

Dr Toni Meath

Dr Toni Meath


Dr Toni Meath GAICD FACEL is principal of Melbourne Girls Grammar. She is an accomplished leader with deep knowledge of the Victorian education sector. Dr Meath’s work in education innovation has been published nationally and internationally. Previously Dr Meath was principal of the Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School and the founding assistant principal of Nossal High School, Victoria’s first co-educational select entry high school.

Until her appointment as the inaugural chair of the Academy board, Dr Meath was a member of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority board.

Martin Keogh

Martin Keogh

Mr Martin Keogh is the General Manager of Learning and Teaching at Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd. In this role, he is responsible for the strategic direction and support of Catholic schools, both metropolitan and regional, located in the south-eastern region of Victoria.

Mr Keogh’s career spans various educational settings, encompassing rural, regional, and metropolitan schools, where he has served as both a teacher, school leader and principal. He has extensive governance experience, having served both as a director and chair on several not-for-profit boards.

Mr Keogh is the nominee of the Victorian Catholic Education Authority and was appointed on 15 August 2023.

Judith Downes

Judith Downes

Ms Judith Downes has worked in senior executive and non-executive roles in banking, finance, accounting, funds management, life insurance and property, and has over 25 years’ experience as a company director.

Previously, she worked in senior executive and non-executive roles at ANZ including chief financial officer and chief operating officer of the Institutional Division. She was director of the Australian Mathematical Science Institute and a member of the Financial Reporting Council.  Prior to working as an accountant, Ms Downes taught secondary mathematics.

Ms Downes is currently the chair of Bank Australia and a non-executive director for ImpediMed, as well as the chair of the Academy’s Audit and Risk Committee.

Professor Viv Ellis

Professor Viv Ellis

Professor Viv Ellis is dean of the Faculty of Education at Monash University. He is also a professor in the faculty and a global expert on teacher education. He has worked with government agencies and nongovernment organisations across the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia, most recently on the Norwegian government’s reforms to upper primary/lower secondary initial teacher education.

Prior to his work at Monash, Professor Ellis was the founding co-director of the Centre for Innovation in Teacher Education and Development, a strategic partnership between King’s College London and Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, where he currently holds an honorary research professorship. Before working in universities, Professor Ellis was a secondary school teacher; he has held senior leadership roles in schools, subject teaching associations and universities.

Chris Thompson

Chris Thompson

Chris Thompson is Acting Deputy Secretary of Schools and Regional Services, which is responsible for 1500 government schools, the four Department regions and policy and operations relating to teaching, learning, emergency management, governance and school provision. Chris substantively holds the position of Regional Director of the South-Western Victoria Region, which is responsible for government schools and early childhood services. The region works with a range of stakeholders across government and non-government agencies in issues relating to planning, school improvement and emergency management. 

Chris was previously the Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Schools and Regional Services Group, where he was responsible for supporting the strategy and operations of Victoria’s government school system – including the Department’s four regions – and security and emergency management. This included leading the Department’s COVID response in 2020 and 2021. Chris has previously held executive roles in the Department, including roles responsible for education policy relating to languages, sport and multicultural, Koorie and rural students. Chris has previously worked in the Victorian Departments of Premier and Cabinet, Planning and Community Development and Human Services. 

Chris has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours)/Bachelor of Law – Monash University, Executive Master of Public Administration – University of Melbourne/Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

Lucy Amon

Lucy Amon

Lucy Amon is the Head of First Nations Strategy and Engagement at North Melbourne Football Club. She has held roles in both government and independent schools in Victoria as an Indigenous programs coordinator, and as a classroom teacher. Lucy has also been a First Nations education consultant in the private sector and is a former member of the Education Committee of the Board of Melbourne Indigenous Transition School. 

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